Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Unconventional Amira Hijab Tutorial

We all have those two piece amira hijabs that just sit there in our collection for lazy days. One day, I really wanted a solid brown cotton/jersey hijab to wear so I improvised. I grabbed my brown amira and I came up with this turban style. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dress Alterations aka Hijabifying a dress

Hi everyone or anyone!
I've been really busy and neglecting this blog lately, not by choice, but mainly due to my two little boys. I'm so grateful for them but I love my blog and need it to escape the madness, and also have a creative outlet.
Anyway, I wanted to share with you some alterations I made to a dress I wore to a very special person's wedding. When I found out there was going to be a wedding, back in early spring, at first, I was extremely excited. Then I began to worry about what I was going to wear (like any normal girl would). I didn't know what I wanted to wear, but I knew I wanted it to look seamless. I did not want to cover up a dress with a jacket or add sleeves underneath. I wanted a complete look. It came down to about 3 weeks before the wedding when I randomly stumbled upon this dress online. It was a good price, but final sale (sigh). I wasn't sure about the design but I was running out of time so decided to take the risk.

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